It was one of those rare moments of attack by the courageous flying swordsman, on the unguarded fleshy bee-hind on ones back that got me thinking of these mosquitoes.
The biology teacher must have taught with phonetics,”mus key toe” to have us all pronounce it right till now.
Of late these flyers seem to have populated the regions of our living to an astonishing number, they seem to be getting more and more adapted to our environment of fan breeze, the most repelling of the chemicals seem to have no effect on them.
The break in the food cycle could be one of the reasons for the sudden spurt, catching us humans to find a way to keep them at bay. Could it be the frogs we have killed for our vivisection classes in biology, the destruction of the snakes we are scared of, or the rats who are the feeds for the snakes?
what ever the reason, the scientists are kept busy with ways to keep them away with fumes of coils, the electric packs and the liquids which come in fancy containers, or the electric tennis racquet that has got the ladies practicing smashes on them.
The recent chickengunya was blamed on the mosquitoes, the village ponds as breeding grounds for the flyers. Many a veterans’ life has been sacrificed for that disease, with no medicines or too many medicines. May we find quick ways to tackle them soon.
The net seems to be the only barrier to keep them away and see them eye to eye if one can match their eye sight, with a challenge, of “u can’t pinch me now”.