Monday, 22 September 2014

Blind with a sight

It was a troubled morning. Unable to keep time with the silent clock.

The early morning duties were done, and a tasty breakfast of dosais and sambar was relished.

Waving a quick ta ta to  my wife at the gate, I was hurrying to catch my bus and get my  regular window seat.

Everything seemed okay, till I wanted to check the minutes to the run off,( as that is how the driver of the mini bus, gets us on) that I realised that I had forgotten my glasses, to make sure I checked on the bridge of my nose.

The hospital work was ok at the gross level, till I had to write, the large fonts and the extra large prints went on smooth with a few wrinkles on the brow.

Then came the small O.P.  numbers, after getting paly with the patient, with the checks and investigations with my large oval writing, I cooly asked them to read out their numbers.

All of them would have diagnosed my case.

Lest it  re-happen as it already did, I have gotten a spare spectacles at that drawer.

Good to have the focus on.