Saturday, 1 February 2025

Aluminium Alimony

 What a strange bringing together of two A  s

Aluminium is a stronge, soft, durable material brought out of Bauxite, a soft spongy soil, able to hold ground water. 

Alimony is a seperation settlement, where there was love and harmony  between a couple, to where there is hate, chaos and intolerance to each other. 

Why this combination? 

With understanding I think it would be better to keep aluminium and its uses outside our reach, than to take it in, and bear it's consequences. 

Consequences? There are many if you care to search. Try immune system. 

We can start from our home kitchen, out with the pans, rice and idly cookers, make way for safer materials. 

Once we have started we can move on to medicinal combinations. 

Safer future. 

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