Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Cheap and Best

 In this age of marketing strategies and advertising gimmicks, any and every slogan is built to sell, with the help of business psychologist, invading the territory of the mind, which has no security fencing.

Two contradictory themes, utterly ridiculous to go along, yet brought together, like sweet and sour soup, to bring on its effect, much later after it's consumption, when the duped mind comes to realisation.

"Safe and effective", what is very safe, is rarely effective, and what is effective, can rarely be safe. You can read it again, "                ".

Let these two slogans ring along with you in this world of markets, you will come across them often, maybe it is a map to explore, dangerous it maybe, but a sure thrilling adventure, Alone.

Have a swing of a time.  

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