In these days of on-line purchasing, and selling yourself to a customer, many a professional is being owned by those who have the money, zooming in we see professional players, being owned like gladiators in a gamble to hurt, a shame.
Are we any different from the Romans and their colosseum horrors.
Professional caterers, ordered to bring on dishes lost of nutrition, newspaper barons tell their reporters what to report and how, and if there is no news, to make news.
IT cadres run by business magnets, loosing all sense of time, space and ruining their health, scientists whose inventions are stolen, by people looking for political gains, to bring on destruction than creation, medical centers run by tycoons, who look at patients like money bags, and bio engineering machines, as printers of the green and multi colour papers, of the valuable kind.
Unless we get to accept what we are, and refuse to be treated as slaves, and become entrepreneurs, we who have the power to create, will be made to produce to order.
We do not have to, unless our experience and professional skill is lost to all those around us.
No one can save us, but ourselves.
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