Thursday, 1 September 2022

Today is a world happy husband day.

 Happy and Husband... See again.

If it is a day of celebration, because of a rarity, I agree, we can celebrate, for a husband to be happy, he should change the relationship called husband.

Take a minute to think, this would come on only with, a lot of sacrifice, bearing a still silence, and finally a realisation, that happiness is not with the other.

If u can think of the other as a friend, easy, think of the other as a stranger, difficult but ok.
See the other as a second cousin, but best is a family friend.

With growing age, the other seems like a daughter, or with the looks, a beautiful aunt.

It is then, that the husband could have happiness, no expectations, little or no rules, happiness is limitless.

Whoever came up with this word husband, a spillover from animal husbandry.

Expanded.... Husbandry is control and management of...

Who likes to be controlled and managed ?

Maybe with time, the term would die a natural death, and other ways of expression would surface, with dignity and respect. ( father of the child)

Till then happy.... Yes, with the partner as a friend.  

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