Saturday, 1 February 2025

Mercury madness.

 Ever since the time I saw the video on the effects of mercury on the snail nerve tissue, done by university of Calgary, Dr Boyd Haley. 

My curiosity about mercury got tingled. 

Moving from dentistry, bio engineering instruments,to thiomersal, Eli Lily pharmacy and to vaccines, my ride through all of them was dizzy and informative. 

Are we being told the truth, or will we be one day led to see the truth and acceptance by someone innocent. ( the king has no clothes on, story) 

Alice in wonderland, and it's character, mad Hatter, plays an important role, as one with mercury intoxication, with hat making, mercury rim. 

Much to study for my own sake, than for others, am selfish to know. 

Aluminium Alimony

 What a strange bringing together of two A  s

Aluminium is a stronge, soft, durable material brought out of Bauxite, a soft spongy soil, able to hold ground water. 

Alimony is a seperation settlement, where there was love and harmony  between a couple, to where there is hate, chaos and intolerance to each other. 

Why this combination? 

With understanding I think it would be better to keep aluminium and its uses outside our reach, than to take it in, and bear it's consequences. 

Consequences? There are many if you care to search. Try immune system. 

We can start from our home kitchen, out with the pans, rice and idly cookers, make way for safer materials. 

Once we have started we can move on to medicinal combinations. 

Safer future. 

Thursday, 22 September 2022

"Don't "

 " Don't get tomatoes, brinjals, and potatoes, get coconuts, beans, and cauliflower ". With these orders I was off to the market, gaily waving to the kids and others on the way.

Was back in nearly an hour, as gay and jovial as at the start. ( the grin was a bit wider)

Getting ready to leave for work, I realised something was amiss, " Something wrong ? did I forget something ?".

My lady looked from the bag stand, "you have got the whole list, the ones I wanted, and the ones, not wanted."

Nature has got strange ways of infusing things into us, and one of them is blocking, the negative "do not".

The next time you make requests, you know how you will phrase to get things done right, right?

When travelling on the highway you notice many a large vehicle with a slogan, " Do not drink and drive" Now you know why many a driver stops at a liquor pub, before continuing the journey.

And the children always make it a point to do what you tell them not to do.

Let us change our orders, before we blame the orderlies.

P. S.

Please make comments.

Krishna came to town without his flute

 We have all been promised by our religious and cultural standing, that we would get a visit by our spiritual Diety or Prophet, as a prophecy, at a time of critical peak in the world.

If the prophecy is to be fulfilled, and the critical peak is at its height, the time is now.

Keeping with the era and the fashion, it would be stupid of our Gods and Masters, to come in the garb of those days and accessories, now.

So if they all landed up at various destinations,

Christ without his long hair style and flowing robe.

Krishna without his peacock feather and flute.

Gautam Bhuddha walking around in sports shoes.

Guru Govind, neatly shaved and perfumed.

I am sure they would finally spot each other, and the rest of us would miss them.

Will we ever be able to feel and find them, in disguise, if not we are no different than any atheist.

If they happen to break chappathi, and drink mushrooms soup from a peace bowl, at Guptha sweets, do u think we would go to see them? , and understand that they could be friends.

It is time we drop their outer marks, and see and feel their consciousness, or else they will always be amongst us, but invisible.

Insecure insurances

 I have never had an understanding of the word  insurance.

Is insurance and compensation the same?

There are insurance companies offering insurance for life, health, fire, other calamities and vehicles.

They come out with so many things in small prints, big explanations, confusing texts to get your money.

The corporate involved do not come into the picture to keep us safe, eat right, stay fit, drive carefully, yet they offer insurances  ?

Insurances are outrightlies.

After the damage is done, they are there, with the big book of rules, articles, sub divisions, to see what they can offer for your loss.

Maybe they will compensate, you will take, or your family will accept, whatever is offered.

We are the only ones who can be a sureity to ourselves, and all our belongings.

Naughty ones will even go to a level of swindling the swindler with, death, arson, accident and Sherlock crimes.

In the end, the crook will gain.

It is time the insurances realise, they give ideas to some to save, others to rob.

Which category are we in   !

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Father of modern medicine

 Hippocrates lived 2500 years ago, dragging him back, to posthumously hand him a title of "Father of Modern Medicine", sure needs a look over.

In his days, medicines were native, natural, individualised and personal with no intermediaries.

Now things are different, practically ulta. (pronounced wool ta)

His terms were first do no harm, ( the fear created lasts a lifetime) let food be thy medicine, things which are practically impossible now, then patient was of initial and only importance.

Now a days patient is secondary, primary is the pharmacy, corporate, and anyone else who can come, and win the heart, mind, soul and anything else of the medical doctor.

So who could be given the honour  ?

There was an, Abraham Flexner, and his report ( medical education in the United States and Canada)  done in 1910, through the Carnegie foundation, and John D Rockefeller, who changed the medical system, then available to the one in vogue.

The real honour should be bestowed on one of these, as it would be apt than the original Greek, who was more of an alternative medicine man, than what we now have.

Am sure He would agree, and rightfully hand over the title, to the one who would accept.

P. S.
It all started, when a relative called on me, if I would teach a local villager without work, the art of medicine  !

Hippocrates looked from one of the volumes in my shelf, which housed his oath.

I agreed on one condition, " You and your family receive treatment only from my student."

He left.


Open your mouth...... Ha ha ha

 None of us can forget the nursery rhyme, about eating sugar, but we sure have forgotten it's effect, and implicating lessons.

One of my friends Kalingarayer, arranged for a medical camp in Chennai, St Ursulas churchpark convent, a time ago when my lady was studying there.

We were there for two days, and every child was physically well, but when asked to open their mouth, there were no exceptions, everyone had dental problems, thanks to the effects of sugar.

How is it that nothing could be done from then till now?

The gates have been open to the market and we all are addicted, white sugar, country sugar and all sugars, high fructose corn syrup, added into all packed and displayed confectionery goods.

No lessons are for the general public, every lesson is only for the personal individual.

There are specific organisms in the mouth who are capable of permanently destroying our strong teeth with their secretions, in the presence of the sticky sugary goods.

Beware if you want your teeth strong, and a lovely natural smile, with your original teeth.

Avoid the sweet sticky goodies first, then with time we could move on to other things, if I can survive your hate, and u my insistence.