Sunday 30 August 2009

when 1000 - 754 equals infinity

Two weeks ago 754 was the odds on offer for a Gasquet win in the upcoming US Open, and now after he's drawn to play Nadal in the first round, the odds jump to 1000.

Richard Gasquet is now the illustrious company of Andreas Beck, Florent Serra and Christopher Rochus (the last one being particularly shameful).


Local said...

go go gasquet!:p

Keep us updated with pics, doofy.:)

BigDaddys Daughter said...

This was supposed to be a joke, i didnt get even a teeny tiny bit of it, wat r u trying to joke abt??? tennis???? It soo sounds like ESPN :P Sowwie dude, but ur sense of humor is wayyy to serious, mathematical and oh so lame :PP
ps: **evil mode on**

Anonymous said...
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dr`doofus said...

oi BigDaddys Daughter,

The joke's in the title. The rest is bs :P