Tuesday 6 November 2012

Sprouted malt powder- with no preservatives

A parent had come bringing with her,  her child of 9 th class, after some time the discussion was what in the tinned powders that cost so much of money , tapping the keys i opened up the ingredients list of that product, and the child said , it looks like our whole chemistry lab is in there!

Well that is the combination of all the stuff that is added to the products.

A local patient is preparing  a malted powder with a blend of all the locally available cereals and pulses and sprouted what ever can be sprouted and with addition of a few spices, and no preservatives , she packs them to sell it at an affordable price.

It goes well with sea salt or with jaggery , and with innovations one could make even payasam with it.


Local said...

What's the name she's marketing it under? I'd really like to try it.

venkhat said...

she has no trade name, but she gets to sell them for all the local clients, i even got them for the patients of mine in Bangalore or further.

I can link u to them u can try it.

i just made myself and my lady a morning malt.

great start with sea salt as a taste