Wednesday 3 October 2012

Marks to book a page

I was once horrified when i noticed a reader fold the edge of the page he was reading  as a book mark.

I do not know if he would do it if it was his own collection of titles.

I would certainly not share any of my books with such page cruel readers,if i ever got to see one.

We had been to a thanks giving function of a medical representative, arranged by his two daughters working at highly professional levels of an English tutor and a chartered accountant, after all the ritualistic  talks and sharing of hearts, they passed around book marks, along with the take away gifts of sweets and a dinner.

Reading habits of our kind have certainly changed with the new age electronic pages on line.

Like all changes this is happening too, but there is nothing like the feel of a  book in the hand and its effect on our hearts and mind.


Unknown said...

You are so kind!!

venkhat said...

thanks book lover