Saturday 2 April 2022

All fools day

 Today is not a day for celebrating that we have been fooled, but a day of awareness of what is happening, who are the foolers, and what has been fooled.

In the tarot cards, if one gets to pick a fool card, it was considered a top of the deck in cards, a wise innocent one, who could be sought wisdom.

Not these days, a fool is an equivalent to an idiot.

In this whole world, only two categories could exist, the one who tricks, and the others who get tricked, a rare third could possibly exist, who are aware of what is going on, the psychologists, most of them get traded or stamped.

The world of advertisement and media are the zones where most duping happens.... Pick one and research. (A long haired beauty, leaning on a scooter)

May the awareness grow to stomp foolery, as long as there are those unaware fools, fooling will continue in every field.  

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