Monday 28 January 2013

Drunk at a spiritual bar with out the wine

The neighborhood children passed word around that there was a time and place to have fun.

My lady was interested to share ways to study well, and have fun at the same time, things matched and this Sunday was fixed.

The children who could get permission started arriving 5 minutes to ten o clock and , having flipped the foot wear to the distance of a kick , they got in with the money for registration.

20 rupees , was the amount fixed and they named themselves, spelling out the alphabets, some did not how to write their names , they were helped with the spellings.

 22 was the number and just enough space at our hall, the gong was the plate and spoon to be heard over their voices.

The programme started with a prayer of awareness and righteousness for the betterment of oneself.

After a small introduction of themselves, the kids were allowed to talk as kids, blabbering away, then sing,enact skits and bring to surface their creativity.

I quietly left them to do with the programme, and arrived just before they finished with the transfer of energies between them selves , namastheing and  a visual contact with the eyes.

A bond has been created between themselves and others, to get on with the life that is theirs.


As for the title-  a long time ago at a rural meet, i was told that i was the most drunk at the gathering , until it came to be known i don't drink, but drunk i was , that compliment cannot be taken back.

A decision was taken to share that drunkenness and the drink.

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