Monday 17 December 2012

A wish at the Begenning of the end

It was just another week end , and was getting to dusk, the chillness in the air was just setting in, the evening cases were on the wane, and with little interruption the neighbor hood children trooped in.

They had selected a topic them selves of writing the hard words, a site was goggled and the difficult words were being copied and written by themselves, they wanted to be better than their classmates in the vocabulary , may be!.

With no cause , one child blurted out, the world is going to end and i want to be born to my own Mom, with not a second lost another child said , i want to go to the same school, another followed with the same speed, i want my own sisters and brother, the final was  thrown at me, we want u to be our friend , but with one change,  we want u in our age .

What a compliment. With maturity and innocence.

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