Saturday 8 June 2013

Food Supplement - an insult to the Mother

The hypnotic state of advertistment is a shame on the intellegent to bring on supplements.

Mother Nature has made a blend of assortments which we could digest and assimilate with our internals for our health in a season.

Man in his altruistic nature has decided to make better with his mish- mash of chemicals and name it as a supplement to our food.

Packed in lovely containers and colorful pictures we tend to forget that this mix up would go against our body , when we already have what we need in our food , unless we recognise the nutritionist of our home- Mother, does not know what she is making for our health.

Picking up an element  from the periodic table and talking very high of it and saying it is available in the supplement is just showing the ignorance of the person or company , when it is the collectiveness of the food that makes it full and not the separate nature of the element.

I know of families who after a full meal have a glass of the famous nick named drinks to satisfy the mind and heart , and ding the stomach.

May we get to realise that the Mother of the home and Mother Nature know what we need and  that it is complete by itself, and we do not need to supplement them with external dappa stuff.

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