Friday 8 January 2010

Fighting with the Fever to loose a Battle with the Disease

The first thing that gets a parent rushing to a doctor is when a child is having a fever,or an adult to a chemist for an anti pyretic tablet.

The state of anxiety one is at those times prevents us from thinking, that a fever is a body’s way of fighting an infection,or boosting itself to gear up its resources to stand strong against an invasion or internal problem.

In the rurals,a decoction of herbs and coriander seeds and ginger is made and filtered and shared among the house hold with pickles to salivate.

The sick one is offered porridge or allowed to fast and advised to rest among the shade of a tree,most problems go away.

With the advent of paracetamol most such situations are a thing of the past, and modern investigations to find the cause of the fever is in the affront.

Why do we boil drinking water,to destroy germs right? Why does the body raise its temperature, to destroy invading things,ok simple understanding, and Its ways are multi-targeted.

Imagine a state of battle and the army is all geared up and some one starts a bugle call another rushes up and things move quickly, in olden days even conch shells were used to get the warriors warmed up for action.

This is what happens inside a body, a state of war, now imagine what would happen if we dampened it with an anti pyretic, easy the body gets cooled and we face the consequences, lots of medicines and more investigations and names and may be even vaccines for later preventions.

One would say that if we leave the fever the person can go in for fits,well we always seem to think of the worst things to happen, when we can wait and see if we can manage the fever with more fluids, more aeration,more cotton clothes, for exchange of heat.

One would still think paracetamol is easiest…..and a visit to the doctor and investigations a routine procedure, to prevent the glare of the ones at home and the scolding of the neighbours, but of course all are not rebellious, and one cant play with fever.

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