Sunday 10 January 2010

Meet the Meat we Eat

I belong to a class who has moved from one side of the sea-saw to the other, with no intentions of returning, these words are to make my convictions firmer.

There was once a time, when I was a regular eater of things that moved and had a feast of things that had a tag, that said it was eatable, now I don’t as they mean different things to me.

Those days I actually ate any thing that moved, now only things that move me.

I once had a client who proposed a trip to a meat /egg factory, along with a friend.

I did get to read things from Menaka Gandhi “ Heads and Tails”and so I survived what I saw at the chicken factory/farm, situated a few kms away.

First it was the stench of the place and the stuffyness of the chickens in the cage that made me suffocate.They are fed chemical filled feeds and enhancers of growth, to make them heavy,grow quick, others to lay lots of eggs, depending who are selected for what.

They live in an artificial lighted dormitory styled cage,a large area where the droppings fall through the floor to be collected for manure.

Many procedures are taken up to keep the fellow chickens from getting hurt, like debeaking and declawing , I did not see those procedures.

In our village a few years ago meat was not an affordable food for many, there used to be an abattoir for it and folks used to go there to buy,now the meat has become affordable to almost all and we can see the chickens boiled and defeatherd on the road side, fish and goat

disemboweled and de-skinned and hanging on hooks.

I have seen many ceremoniously putting a knife to the throat of a goat, while the next in line was standing close by.

Is this how my plate was filled then !!!

Scientifically speaking and aesthetically feeling humans like us need to open ourselves to such sights, to realize the depth of understandings about our fellow earthlings,than fill ourselves with any thing that is available as food to gulp.

If we who have read and felt the truth of things don’t see the fallacy of this.Who will?

I once debated this with a religious child, and said your religion advocates “love” what about love for animals, he said “ domestic animals don’t come in that category,our scriptures say they are made for us to consume”.

The mind can be filled with any amount of reading material to prove the falseness of meat for our system,but the body and habitual linking has to be dechained.

I like to thank here, all the folks who have made that happen to me,to those who keep me sticking to it .

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