Saturday 23 January 2010

A water spot for the stray dogs

One day we had a casual discussion, about the cruelty to animals and how when we see a stray dog we are tempted to practice our aims with stones on them, how they run and get our aims bettered. We have seen them quench their thirst after the runs, at water puddles near public water taps.

We made an arrangement of laying an empty cemented pot, filled with water at the front of our home in the shade of a few plants, partly buried in the ground, it was wonderful to see street dogs come causally and have a drink.

One morning we found the cement water pot missing and other pots broken. We are not to be broken that soon, so we thought ok only cemented pots can fetch a price we switched to an ordinary clay pot.

During the hot summer we can see the dogs bring on friends and have a drink and take a quiet nap at the shade, other times we see them all come during the heat season, one followed by a large gathering of admirers.

We do not have dog catchers yet in our village, nor are there any reports of rabid dog bites recently, may be we will be allowed to have the presence of these warm affectionate animals at our shade for a simple drink of water, for the time being .

This is sure a better way of praying to God Bhairava,( nature has many names) who has a dog as his vehicle and companion and asking for his blessings, than leaving his cousins on the main road run thirsty or find dirty puddles to drink.


Dreamr OKelly said...

Thank you for being kind to the strays. I know there is a lot of hypocrisy in India about the loves of living things and than the reality of the starving cows and dogs in the street.

venkhat said...

Hypocrites are there.

a simple sharing brings on immense happiness dreamr

u sound conscious.