Wednesday 20 January 2010

My Love!

My Love!

In the earth so round,
My love was found…

In the silence of the ocean,
My love came into motion…

In the depth of the sea,
My love was free…

In the sky so blue,
My love flew…

In the nights so clean,
My love showed dreams…

In the days of disaster,
My love had no way…
Leaving me alone,
My love… had flown.

In the galaxy where the stars gather…
I saw my love… holding hands with some other!



venkhat said...

i kept reading it many times , multi level emotions from rhymes to feelings.
thanks for sharing

Ragini said...

thanks for acknowledging it... most of the poems ive written was wen i was a lil gal. so at tht point of time i always felt poems = rhymes.. so most of my poems r like tht..n moreover i dint care abt wat i wrote.. it was jus a source to vent out all the stored emotions!

Unknown said...

RaGhiNi... :]
Nice poeM... i Read it tWice oR tHRee tiMeS :P i doNt knoW... but i liKed it tOo mucH, :]
tHX foR ShaRiNG...

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

very nice ragini....
love the part that it rhymes and still conveys a meaning...
nice one :)