Friday 15 January 2010

Solar Eclipse-a celestial show of light and shadows

It was a flurry of activity all morning, this Friday shanty day, all market goers finishing

business soon, the temples getting ready to close,even though they had just opened.

Many activities of the evening were pre-poned and finished in the morning, like a local temple ritual.

By 11 odd the bright sky started to darken and it was cooler,like one wearing on dark glasses,it was so magical yet this was no trick.

The shadow of the leaves of the plants had a funny curve,and the branches with many leaves were like a bunch of grapes on the ground.

The roads were literally empty and a rare cyclist was there or a gossiping group at the steps of a closed shop.

Most folks sit quiet( now the entertainment industry takes care of that) ,pregnant women are advised to sleep and not to do work of any kind.

Many were visualizing the sun through the goggle papers of plastics,our son got one from his school and my dad refused to allow him to see the sun through it, for some time there was a scuffle of a clash of two generations and a third of me standing in between, I could only take sides with my dad, to convince my son we cant take a risk with what we don’t know, let us play safe, by observing with others eyes or camera effects and study more.

He is one who is already into ecliptical questions that are far fetched, like why don’t we have an eclipse every month,at least some part of earth must get it ???? too far fetched for me.The teachers for kids these days need to be really sharp, they find answers for them.

The darkness started to brighten after 1. 30 pm and life was returning back to normalcy.

The post eclipse time is a big issue in the village, as they feel there is a lot of cosmic radiation, so head bath and cow dung mopping to mud floor homes,more things follow, I think I am forgetting most things of the past.

At least to some life would not be the same,but for most it is back to work with light and shades of the human kind.

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