Friday 29 January 2010

The workaholic ant

The whole world is teeming with creatures; all have time to snooze and times of rest.

Not so for the ant and his cousins, they always seem to be on the move, never a moment of meditative stillness.

U can always be sure if u see one on the path, they are scavenging a dead decaying matter or stealing away an organic food particle.(unless they have been cheated by the city junk look alike foods).

One morning at the work station, I noticed the marching of a line of ants to a drawer below the table, I blew them away, only to have them find a path back to the drawer.

I decided to investigate and there I found a dead cockroach, discarding it the ant attack dispersed.

This incident had a deep impact on me, correlating this with the bacterial diseases that are being named these days. The human body as the cockroach and the ants as the bacteria, so if the body is well, where is the place for the bacteria?

The ants seem to have special senses, they seem to bye pass refined sugar and white flour,finding their path to brown sugar and unpolished rice, am sure they have no nutrition classes in their colonies!!

They seem to be slim and not one obese ant in the line, slowing the tempo of the march. I wonder if they have heart clinics, or just exercises in the sun and gossiping on the way to work, playing ”follow the leader”,keeping themselves hail and healthy.

we have things to learn from them. We shall start with,

A is for an ant.

1 comment:

Local said...

Nice analogy - the human body and it's decay, Venkhat.:)