Monday 24 June 2013

Tied - to be free

It was a walk along the country side, and the scenes was picturesque, but one thing caught my lens and that was a kid tied to his waist with a rope to a window sill.

Something just seemed out of order, there was even a comment later, "the child is tied and the dog is let loose."

The families of old had a string of offspring , the elder child always  baby sitting the younger ones, may be this child is the first in the family and the next is on the way .

I have even heard of workers giving a dot of opium to the kids and sending them off to a blissful sleep while they worked, but this sure caught me .

Recalling i  have heard stories that i was an infant vagabond loafing the neighborhood
during my days, and my mom used to tie me up to that window bar too, limiting my area of spread to a radius of a few meters.

What ever, the children of now are so quick and hyper active that they cannot be contained in a play pen, or tied by a rope, may they be allowed to roam and bring on their creativity for the benefit of the world and the comfort of us all.


Rose said...

Never heard of such thing as being tied and all but sounds safe to keep children around the house.

venkhat said...

Sounds right regarding the safety of the home and the child,it was certainly a strange sight for me too.