Wednesday 31 August 2022

Food - keeping it safe from us

 The safety of our food has been tampered from the pre soil stage, to the serving time on the table.

Seventy percent of our food is altered before it reaches us, we add another twenty percent to please our sences, only ten percent survives as Mother Nature intended.

Our potatoes are broader,
Our eggplant, kathirikas are longer and seedless,
Our papayas are seedless,
Our tomatoes are brighter and firmer,
Our bananas are tastier and longer lasting,
Our grapes are thicker,
Our animal husbandry is being loaded with hormones, and so are our other flesh foods.

All in all every food created by Existence, is being manipulated to suit our shelves, and trade, but are they safe with the manipulation?

Let us not be a part of the act of destroying our own food, for whatever reasons.

Our children are a head and half taller, more beefier, more aggressive, the railway beds are shrinking and the seats in transports are getting uncomfortable, with more auto immune diseases, surfacing and diagnosed, evading treatment.

All in all every one is turning more human in size,  and less human in other matters, yes Frankenstein.

Colouring agents
Micro waving
Genetic engineering
Hormonal therepy, everyone has a role in the safety of our food, make your own research.

To relish our food as given by  nature, with recipies of our ancestors, to suit our region and customs, may we start our own vegetable garden, or buy from local organic farmers, bringing on other bigger changes.

We shall put a warning to the food industry, "Keep off from our food".

It's safety is our safety, a way to a healthier, happier, creative life.

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