Wednesday 31 August 2022

Gourds are Gods in vegetable form

 We are bestowed with many a creeper family vegetable, called gourds.

Bottle gourd, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, and the snake gourd are the ones I am aware of.

This afternoon at the campus refectory, along with the other dishes, snake gourd, finely chopped like match sticks, with pulses, onions, and tomatoes was the side dish.

The sight of it on the counter would have brought on a frown to the receiving plate, but  many returned back for a second share, when they tried it the first time with plain rice. (I crossed checked to confirm my feelings.)

Creeper vegetables are native, least adulterated, medicinal, lots of alkalinity, cuisine oriented for customary and innovative dishes.

With the hands of a passionate chef, any of the other gourds would make nutritious wonderful dishes to suit our plates and palates.

P. S.
A pity I missed clicking a picture, lost with the relishing.

And ohh in the vernacular it is called as "pudalanga kootu". 

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