Thursday 10 December 2009

A Pinch of Salt

Ours is a culture that treats the home as a temple, and the kitchen as a santum santorum and the salt pot as a diety,many a house hold still apply the turmeric and kum kum and hold the salt pot as a heritage gift.

Ours is a culture that welcomes the new bride to the home of the groom and asks her to take the blessings of cereals and pulses and the salt of the home.

Ours is a culture that treats a guest to a sumptous feast on a banana leaf with the salt as the first serve.
I have always wonderded how is it that we who had advocated so much on salt and respected it so ,now tell ourselves to restrict salt and avoid it, there is some thing which we dont know, or something that has changed, the result is,
Our fore fathers used sea salt and we modern folks use industrial salt.

A few words on the differrences ,sea salt is cool to the touch and wet in damp days of humidity, it is greyish and crystaline and has all the treasures that mother nature has hidden in the sea , it is cheap and can be made naturally, and contains medicinal values and does not cause any diseases.
Industrial salt is dry and stays that way even in rainy days as all the hygroscopic trace elements have been removed,from it.
It is pure white and fine and powdery and flows easily through the salt shaker, is costly and made at a factory, it contains no medicinal values and only exicipients of alluminium and sodium and chloride, causes all the disease we have.

we have seen many an advert praising the goodness of the salt of a company from A to z ,do we think we can make it better,by adding iodine when it is already there,make it in such large quantites, when we dont need so much.

It is used mainly for other industries, from plastics to ammunition , i think there is a secret some where and it needs to be found and shared , for the basic health of all MANKIND.

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