Thursday 7 October 2010

Mayor encourages tree planting

The school campus had colorful flags flying on the roof tops of the buildings, awaiting the arrival of the worshipful mayor of salem, Mrs Priya Darshini.

She was on time and the school band played tunes to her and took her on a slow march to the parlor for refreshments.

Before the speech of the chief guest other speakers spoke how difficult it was to make an impact on elders to take up environmental issues, that they had decided to woo the children instead.

The children were told, our parents will give us money and land and jewels , but they cant give us a healthy atmosphere as they have spoilt it themselves, if we need to give a safe clean living environment for out next generation, we need to save what little is present as a gift to the future.

The ill effects of plastic carry bags was stressed, tree planting was encouraged for special occasions of marriage and birthdays.

The kids took an oath to take baskets and bags at shopping times and cut plastics, the lady mayor planted saplings at the campus, and donated many to be distributed and planted, she then whizzed away with her guards to the next awareness programme and her busy schedule.

A band of school children then went on bicycles, carrying placards and banners around Ellampillai, creating an awareness on the issue to the silent gaping public.

1 comment:

Local said...

haha @ 'silent gaping public' ... that describes the effect of the eco rights on Indian masses perfectly.:)