Tuesday 12 April 2011

Moral science class - absent in the time table

Ours was a christian missionary school, and when the Catholics went to church to meet and learn ways to stay religious , we (non - cat licks as we were called) were given a class on moral science.

It may have been too small a time and drilling with soft words and no exams, but we got what the present generation is not allowed to learn.

Where has that moral science lesson gone?

So much of bunk and junk is stuffed into a child that no morality is allowed to surface from with in.

Do u honestly think we have a chance to share or teach a kind act or word into our kids?if u do , then carry on let the class on morality at least happen at home.

We had a tough looking African boxer who was also a tap dancer, and our boxing teacher, who taught us that morality is what leads u to the shore of an island , than the other drills and commands and rules that sink u at the time of a high tide.

The world is a rotten place and this lesson will not fetch u what u are working for, may be true, but humanity is loosing touch with itself, with the loss of moral lessons.

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