Tuesday 2 February 2010

Dr Andrew Wakefield – nailed

The BBC in London said the General Medical Council is charging Dr. Wakefield with carrying out "inadequately founded" research, failing to obtain ethical committee approval before publishing, acquiring funding improperly and subjecting children to 'unnecessary and invasive investigations.' - more than 2 years ago

The GMC of England has finally got the verdict in its favour , Dr Surendra Kumar a chesire gp read the verdict ,nailing Dr Andrew Wakefiled, as being dishonest and unethical .- 2 days ago

Jesus was crucified with Gestas and Dismas along side him. Professors John and Simon, nave been nailed with Dr Andrew Wakefield now.

Dr Andrew is no Christ, and I don’t want to make him seem so, but our research instinct in us gets killed and will never surface to know truth, but just accept things as told by the ones who control our minds.

They have not refuted his findings and his studies has been lost in the mayhem .

Thanks to the verdict the future of mmr vaccine is safe and this Dr can be stung repeatedly for years to come.

If this can be done to a surgeon who is a Fellow of the Royal College , who would ever come up with some thing against the vaccine industry, the government, or the doctors association, from now on? Truth be dammed. We must at least listen to his lectures and see his leads for us to do our own research.

This is what is called as killing the messenger and forgetting the message.

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