Thursday 18 February 2010

Magic-a tricky path into the heart

The words were very clear from the magician,” it is all a deception do not try to think how it is done, just enjoy it”.

That is what I did for the next hour, wide-eyed, clapping, shrieking, gulping, and gaping and more words of expressions.

It was a get–together of families of rural professionals at a star hotel, it was organized to cheer up the glum kids while the elders were to have a small meeting.

I found myself a place in the front row among the kids.

The magician started to pull out things from inside an empty hat, and made a wand out of a sheet of tissues, made two balls out of one and that into four in front of our eyes at his fingers, good lord where did they come from?

He started to pull out cards from thin air and made them disappear; it looked like he had an invisible genie at his disposal, as part of the act.

The rings and the card trick caught me as a participant, it was sheer fun.

How well the gimmicks are performed to make impossible things seem to happen.

It is never good to ask a magician to do an encore, as they are not ready for it, but the continuous flow of events made us forget the last trick.

Most of the tricks are a kick to the mind, the laughter in between, and the loss of time and space make it a meditation by itself.

The whole world we live in is Magical, we seem to take it for granted and have less of our senses for them and feelings.

From sunrise to another sunrise it is a magic show, may we spend more time in enjoying it than loose ourselves always in demystifying Nature.

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