Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rolling the Cameras-master pieces to museum pieces

The clicking game started with a friend's camera, yashika electro 35, he has been kind enough to let me learn, making comments and offering ideas, " hold your breath" and getting the pictures , with no masks and on matt paper, for the best feel of the picture with the clarity of vision.

Another friend offered his Minolta for the class trip to Srinagar, until i got my Yashika fx7 with help from a cousin through the Burma bazaar.

Now the roll films have practically gone into oblivion, making me seek another camera, all the while using the web camera for on the table pictures, until a friend of the street offered, to search on the web for a suitable camera.

Thanks to his help i got a Sony from a centre at Salem, now i can share my words with pictures.

The proofs are just a click away.


Unknown said...

good luck with the cam !!

venkhat said...

thanks , feel like a kid shooting away.