Monday 7 June 2010

A jack among fruits , who is the king

I was strolling one morning a few days back at the market, indecisive to the purchase, when my eyes set on an old couple peeling a jack fruit.

I normally don’t buy them, but today was a temptational difference.

I enquired of the yellow ripe small fruitlets inside the big fruit, and was told a no bargain price of 50 paise each with the kottais(seeds) , as the nuts are also used in a curry dish, or roasted and relished.

I got for about 2 rupees for a sample for a larger buy another day, I was given 7 pieces with affection from the old couple.

I washed them at home and peeled off the seeds, and we shared the ripe yellow sweet fruit .

My lady made a kara kolambhu that afternoon with the seeds, first well boiled and then cut and added with the masala curry. Goes great with rice, the boiled seeds taste great with rasam.

Larger purchases followed another day.

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